Dr. Jefferson McNeil


Hi. I’m Dr. Jefferson McNeil, Physical Therapist and co-owner (with my wife) of Simpatico Physical Therapy, Health and Wellness. You can call me Jeff. 

I have more than 20 years of practice experience and am passionate about my profession. My goal is to help my clients live full, healthy and pain-free lives.

My practice incorporates my interests in fitness, nutrition and psychology with my expertise in orthopedic outpatient therapy, neurological rehabilitation, acute care, home health physical therapy and cardiopulmonary training.

My background includes balance and vestibular research at the Arizona Motion and Balance Laboratory. I passed the National Strength and Conditioning certification exam in 2001 and received my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Northern Arizona University in 2002.

I studied a variety of manual therapy practices including influences from the Australian, North American and Northern European schools. I received my Certification in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (COMT) from the Ola Grimsby Institute in 2009.

I am an avid trail and distance runner and have been running for 50 years. I am also a certified Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) running coach. I enjoy hiking and biking, recreational skiing in the winter with my kids, and gardening in the summer. I like to cook and eat and enjoy learning the science behind our food. I read a lot. But most of all, I enjoy just spending time with my wife and two children. Family is important to me.

Enough about me. How can I help you?


Dr. Tracy McNeil


Hello. I am Dr. Tracy McNeil, Physical Therapist and co-owner of Simpatico Physical Therapy, Health and Wellness. Please call me Tracy. At Simpatico we truly are a “Mom and Pop” practice.

I grew up with childhood asthma, was not athletic and never really enjoyed exercise. My Filipino heritage was centered on food (lots of it) and family gatherings. Like many, I have a family history of diabetes and stroke.

I deeply empathize with those for whom health and wellness choices do not come naturally. But practicing what I preach has improved my quality of life and likely my lifespan. I want to do the same for my clients and the community as a whole.

I have a BA in Biology and Health Sciences and received my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Duquesne University in 2006. I received my Certification in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (COMT) from the Ola Grimsby Institute in 2009 and have practiced outpatient orthopedic, cardiopulmonary and home health therapy for over 15 years. In 2018, I became a CDC-certified Lifestyle Coach and Program Coordinator for the Diabetes Prevention Program through the University of Virginia.

I like to walk and ride bicycles with my family. I really love being a mom to my two children. I enjoy making healthier, delicious alternatives to recipes that reflect my heritage and highlight my interest in sharing nutritious food with family and friends.

I’d love to hear from you and how I can help.